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Bridging Loans
National Mortgage Broker
Mortgages for Homes and Businesses

National Mortgage Broker
Commercial and Residential Mortgages
- Experienced Independent Broker
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per an inani detracto torquatos, solet vitae accusata eos in. Ne eam postea posidonium omittantur, has ad iisque philosophia, cum ne sumo quas oblique. Vis tritani cotidieque id. Eam hinc reque ut, hinc graecis euripidis per in. Cum ut diam suscipiantur, mei at petentium vituperatoribus. No harum partiendo pri, et mei animal eripuit, nulla delicata…
A community of over 60 million
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per an inani detracto torquatos, solet vitae accusata eos in. Ne eam postea posidonium omittantur, has ad iisque philosophia, cum ne sumo quas oblique. Vis tritani cotidieque id. Eam hinc reque ut, hinc graecis euripidis per in. Cum ut diam suscipiantur, mei at petentium vituperatoribus. No harum partiendo pri, et mei animal eripuit, nulla delicata…
In-depth articles and analysis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per an inani detracto torquatos, solet vitae accusata eos in. Ne eam postea posidonium omittantur, has ad iisque philosophia, cum ne sumo quas oblique. Vis tritani cotidieque id. Eam hinc reque ut, hinc graecis euripidis per in. Cum ut diam suscipiantur, mei at petentium vituperatoribus. No harum partiendo pri, et mei animal eripuit, nulla delicata…
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To address this question, we should first explore what a commercial bridging loan is. In a nutshell, it is a short-term commercial loan until you secure permanent finance. Commercial bridging loans usually can be secured relatively quickly with an experienced mortgage broker. The loan itself is secured on commercial premises – for example, property types A3 and D1 (such as…

Do you find yourself in an ideal situation to secure a fantastic property at Auction? Or the perfect tenant for your commercial offices – but they have requested an upgrade to facilities? You open the vault and find that the cash flow just isn’t available over the next year to do this, but you know that it will be there…

Re-mortgaging is a proactive way to potentially reduce your monthly mortgage payments. Most borrowers will stay with their current lender, and most often move over to a Standard Variable Rate (SVR) also known as a follow-on rate when their current deal ends. Although re-mortgage deals are available with other lenders that are keen to entice borrowers over to their products.…